Happy New Year for 2024!
Woodland Labyrinth Project
Meetinghouse Farm
to be included on the labyrinth project mailing list.
This spring landscaping surrounding the labyrinth will begin.
What's a labyrinth, you might ask?
It is a design of concentric circles dating back thousands of years and found in many cultures, and styles. The labyrinth is spiritual in nature, providing a setting for individuals and groups to walk for meditation and self-reflection. The design mimics patterns found in nature, and embraces the walker with a sense of harmony and balance. Our labyrinth, like others, will be used as a vehicle for personal inward journeys.
There is no right way to walk a labyrinth other than to follow the circuit! Unlike a maze, a labyrinth is unicursal in form, leading one naturally around the circuits; with no puzzle to be solved. This allows the walker to free the mind, experience the moment and stay open to wisdom. Can you imagine yourself, friends and family using such a resource? If so, we need your help to make it a reality.
Why now?
While the installation of the labyrinth has been a long-term goal of the Farm to share with the community, the epic pandemic reinforced our commitment to the project. The value of the Farm as a beautiful respite from daily stresses has been articulated by Farm gardeners and visitors. We are certain that the creation of a Woodland Labyrinth will strengthen the Farm's purpose and provide a welcome spiritual destination for Cape Codders and visitors alike.
Where we are today:
How Fragile … How Strong …
How Fragile …
How Strong …
A Caring Message
From Meetinghouse Farm
As we face our common challenges
at this difficult time, may we support one another
with strength, kindness, and compassion.
Nature Heals
The Farm grounds are open for walking!
Learn more about our volunteer possibilities!
Learn more about our volunteer possibilities!
“The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers”
-- Everett Mamor
Calling All Volunteers
As Meetinghouse Farm prepares for the 2023 growing season, we want to acknowledge the work of our volunteers and highlight the essential role that volunteers play in the Farm’s success.
Handy Carpenters and Mechanical Wizards |
Veggie Foster Parents |
Incredible Hulks and Hulkettes |
Wanna Be Florists |
Creative Program Planners |
Obsessive Organizers |
Please contact us if you would like to discuss volunteer possibilities or arrange a personal tour of the Farm.
Volunteering is ...
Volunteer tasks range from raking and pruning autumn leaves to maintaining the Farm’s growing mailing list. Volunteers may make a long-term commitment such as caring year-round for the herb garden, or commit to a short -term task such as baking an apple pie for the annual pre-Thanksgiving Pie Sale. Whatever your skills or schedule there’s a task for you!
Because the Farm promotes horticultural and agricultural education, many volunteers report they learn new skills as part of their volunteer experience. Whether helping “hands-on” by planting a new variety of lettuce or hosting a local food expert. There is always more to be learned.
Maintenance and improvement of the Farm is a challenging responsibility for volunteers. The Farm has a history of collaboration with organizations and community service programs for large labor –intensive tasks. The adage “many hands make light work” certainly applies when residing a barn, removing acres of invasive bittersweet or installing new gardens.
Happiness research indicates that volunteer service builds personal satisfaction and a sense of purpose. If you love to “dig in the dirt” you also know that gardening provides a multitude of physical, emotional and spiritual rewards. Whether weeding while hawks circle overhead, talking plants with a Master Gardener, or savoring quiet moments unplugged from a high tech world, volunteers report they are nourished by their time “down on the farm.”
Volunteers are essential for every aspect of the Farm’s operation. The skills, schedules and personalities of our volunteers are diverse and each unique contribution is valued. The Farm really is made possible because of a community of volunteers who care deeply about the Farm’s mission and goals. A famous Gibran quote says, ”Work is love made visible.” Never more true, than in the work of committed volunteers.
Looking for Volunteers
Meetinghouse Farm
If you are interested, please contact
Go to Volunteers Page
See also Student Programs