Lobster Boat Cruise Sept 16

See more details of Lunch options at http://capecodlobstercruise.com/
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Thanks to everyone

Thanks to everyone who helped to make Art at the Farm a big success!


Boat Cruise

Meetinghouse Farm & the
Yarmouth New Church Preservation Foundation

cordially invite you to attend a fundraiser to support our preservation efforts.
September 16, 2018, 1pm-3pm


On The Lobster Roll
357 Sesuit Neck Rd, East Dennis, MA

Come mingle & enjoy Cape Cod Bay with friends who share a common passion for preserving the treasures of the Cape.

Ticket includes boat ride and lunch. Your choice of one of the following:

Their Famous Lobster Roll or Roast Beef Rollup or Vegetarian Rollup
Above selections are served with potato chips and cole slaw.or Chicken Caesar Salad.

Please see website for more details of lunch option. capecodlobstercruise.com

$60 per person, Cash bar    
30 tickets per each organization are available. Seats are limited on a first come first serve basis. Limited invitations sent through August 15. Reserve early before invite opens to all.For tickets send your check for $60 each ticket + food choice to:Yarmouth New Church Preservation Foundation  PO Box 237,  Yarmouth Port, MA 02675

or Meetinghouse Farm Inc, POBox 330, West Barnstable MA, 02668 - 0330
We greatly appreciate your support! 

Thank you to the Agresti -Bishop and Andre-Springer families for their donation of the cruise
allowing over 60% of each ticket price to be donated to preservation.

Jazz for a Summer Night

Jazz for a Summer Night FINAL2

Community Yard Sale Sat June 2nd

Hypertufa Workshop sat June 9th

Saturday Yoga

Flag Day Celebration June 14th

Mighty Salads June 16

Summer Solstice June 21